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liver function test purpose

Liver Function Tests: Purpose, Types, Risks, & Procedure

Liver is considered to be one of the most important organs which helps the body with food processing, storing energy and removal of toxins. However, the malfunction can end up being a severe problem which can be detected via liver function tests or test LFT. These tests can check for liver health by measuring multiple enzymes and protein levels in the organ.

Why Test LFT is Important?

A liver function test for, is very essential. This test is helpful to learn about the different liver functions such as hepatitis. Also it is essential to properly monitor the disease progression of the disease like alcoholic appetite viral and check how the treatment works well for the individuals. In case of liver function tests, it can check the enzymes and protein of the blood. Some levels are higher or lower as compared to the normal levels, which can cause individual issues related to the liver.

Liver Function Test (LFT)

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Parameter included: 12

  • Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
  • Bilirubin Direct, Serum
  • Albumin, Serum

Liver Function Test (LFT)

Parameter included: 12

  • Alkaline Phosphatase, Serum
  • Bilirubin Direct, Serum
  • Albumin, Serum
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Some of the most common liver function tests include the alt test, where an enzyme in your liver helps convert proteins into energy for the liver cells. When your liver is damaged, the enzyme is released into your bloodstream. Alt is also an enzyme that helps metabolic amino acids and is present in your blood at low levels. An increase in these enzyme levels might indicate liver damage disease or even muscle damage. Before you go for this test, you can also check the price of lft test.

How Can You Prepare for the LFT Test Blood Test in Home?

Your doctor will give you complete instructions on preparing for the blood sample portion of the test. Some medicines or foods might impact the levels of these enzymes or proteins in your blood. Your doctor might ask you to avoid some types of drugs, or they would ask you to avoid eating anything for some time before your blood test. You need to ensure that you continue drinking water before the test.

Bilirubin Direct, Serum

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Parameter included: 1

  • Bilirubin Direct, Serum

Bilirubin Direct, Serum

Parameter included: 1

  • Bilirubin Direct, Serum
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How is The Test Performed?

Firstly, the doctor will cleanse the skin before the test to decrease the likelihood of any microorganisms on the skin that will lead to an infection. Then, they will wrap the elastic strap on your arm, making your veins more visible. Then, they use a needle to draw the blood sample from your arm. Afterward, the technician will place gauze and a bandage over the puncture site. Your blood sample will be sent to the laboratory for testing.
What steps do you need to do after the liver function test?

After the test, you can resume your activities, but if you feel faint or lightheaded during the blood draw, you must rest before you leave the testing facility. The results would not tell exactly which condition you have or the degree of liver damage, but they will help your experts to understand the next steps. Generally, if your results indicate a problem with your liver function, the doctor will review the medicines and your past medical history to understand the cause.

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