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PCOS/PCOD Screening in Delhi

What Are the Most Effective Ways to Manage PCOS and Boost Fertility?

PCOS is also known as polycystic ovary disease and is a hormonal problem that affects young and post – adolescent females. They have irregular menstrual cycles, produce high levels of androgens (male hormones), and have small cysts in the ovaries, that causes PCOS fertility complications. That is why any woman who feels that she might be suffering from PCOS should talk to her doctor and get a full diagnostic checkup. Qris Health provides state of the art Polycystic ovary syndrome/premenstrual dysphonic disorder or PCOS/PCOD diagnosis for improved health in Delhi by PCOS/PCOD Screening in Delhi.

Understanding PCOS/PCOD

PCOS is condition that is characterized by many symptoms which differ from woman to woman. Common signs and symptoms include:

  • Irregular or missed periods: This is common in most women who have PCOS because ovulation might be irregular or even nonexistent.
  • Excess androgen (male hormone) production: This results in hirsutism or growth of unwanted hair, acne and alopecia or hair loss.
  • Polycystic ovaries: These are enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts inside the ovaries.
  • Weight gain: There is great challenge when it comes to weight loss for ladies suffering from this illness, particularly those with PCOS.
  • Insulin resistance: This is a disease in which the body cannot produce a sufficient amount of insulin or cannot use the available amount effectively and hence is prone to high levels of blood sugar.
  • Skin problems: Some of the side effects associated with PCOS include the formation of oil and black skin especially acne, oily skin, and dark patches of skin (acanthosis nigricans).
  • Mood changes: Cycling, mood swings, anxiety, or depression are some of the complaints that women with PCOS report.

The Impact of PCOS on Fertility

Infertility is one of the main concerns most women with PCOS grapple with; this makes the fertility aspect the most pronounced. PCOS directly affects the hormones in a woman’s body and can cause problems with ovulation which makes it hard to get pregnant. Nonetheless, unless the women are using some form of birth control, it should be noted that not all women affected with PCOS suffer from fertility issues.

PCOS and Other Illnesses and Diseases

Beyond fertility issues, PCOS can increase your risk of developing several health problems, including:

  • Type 2 diabetes: Another comorbid condition of PCOS is insulin resistance which may lead to clinical type 2 diabetes.
  • Heart disease: The PCOS patients have a tendency of developing high BP, high level of cholesterol and other factors that are likely to lead to heart diseases.
  • Sleep apnea: Obesity and hormonal changes are more common in women with PCOS and this is why this type of sleep disorder is usually observed in these patients.
  • Endometrial cancer: Women with PCOS may have irregular menstrual cycles, increasing their chance of developing endometrial cancer.

The Importance of Early Detection

Comprehensive screening tests, early diagnosis, and treatment of this condition are vital to avert the above complications that are associated with PCOS. One must pay occasional visits to a usually doctor and should monitor the condition frequently.

Symptomatic or Complete Assessment for PCOS/PCOD at Qris Health

At Qris Health, we also provide a PCOS/PCOD detail check up package in Delhi that can be availed for better understanding of the disease. Our tests include:

  • CBC Test: To determine a general health status of your blood.
  • FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) Test: Its Role in Measuring the level of FSH, which is a hormone responsible for the growth of the ovarian follicles.
  • LH (Luteinizing Hormone) Test: To calculate the level of LH, a hormone which causes ovulation in women’s body.
  • Prolactin Test: To evaluate levels of prolactin, a hormone the can inhibit ovulation.
  • Progesterone Test: For example in determining the levels of progesterone the hormone that is involved in pregnancy.
  • AMH (Anti-Müllerian Hormone) Test: Specifically, AMH is requested for: Estimating the viability of ovarian tissues.
  • Testosterone Test: Then to quantify androgen which is the principal tissues in PCOS.
  • Other Hormone Tests: Take occasionally to check particular hormonal irregularities, if they occur.

Managing PCOS: A Holistic Approach

The treatment of PCOS requires changes in diet, exercise and medications, and sometime specialist treatments regarding fertility.

Lifestyle Modifications

1. Weight management: It has also been demonstrated that even small levels of weight loss can improve some PCOS symptoms.

  • Regular exercise: Target for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise on majority of the days of the week.
  • Healthy diet: There is evidence that demonstrates that women who consume meals that are low in glycemics can effectively control the manifestations of PCOS.

2. Medications: Hormonal contraceptives, anti-PCOS agents, insulin sensitizers can be prescribed by your doctor for regularizing your menstrual cycle, controlling insulin resistance and minimizing high levels of androgens respectively.

3. Fertility Treatments: When there are issues with fertility, your physician can suggest methods such as ovulation augmentation, intrauterine insemination, or in vitro fertilization.


Like most of the diseases, managing PCOS can sometimes prove to be a herculean task, however, once you get the tricks and tips right it is easy to manage your condition. Thus, the important steps are the early diagnostics of the occurring pathologic processes and the subsequent adequate treatment aimed on improving the patient’s quality of life and increasing an opportunity to conceive a child.

This blog shows that Qris Health is passionate in its cause, which involves assisting women with PCOS. We provide detailed consultation and treatment for patients of PCOS/PCOD Screening in Delhi and will be glad to assist you achieve a better management of your condition. Do not leave any opportunity to consult our health care professionals for more information.

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