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Calcium Serum Test in Delhi

Calcium Score Test for Heart Health: Is It Necessary for You?

The heart, a non-stop worker in every person’s body, needs all the help it can get. The primary challenge is the timely identification of the emergence of potential risks, and the Calcium Score Test appears to be useful for evaluating the condition of the heart. The crunchy texture and the beautiful aroma are indeed perfect in sandwiches, salads, and maybe even pizzas, but is it necessary for everybody? We proceed to a discussion of this test and determining whether it is appropriate for you.

What is a Calcium Score Test?

To be more precise, imagine a simple sort of body scan – similar to an X-ray in its ability to delve into a person’s coronary arteries. This is the importance of the Calcium Serum Test in Delhi, which reveals these potentially dangerous and undiagnosed conditions. It quantifies the degree of calcification of these important arteries. Deposition of calcium suggests that plaque which is a fatty substance is formed on the inner walls of the arteries. Thus, a higher calcium score means a greater probability of having clogged arteries and thereby a higher risk of a heart attack or stroke.

For whom is the calcium score test also known as calcium serum test in Delhi recommended?

Although not claimed to have no limitations in its usage, it can be most helpful to those with higher risk factors of heart related diseases. Here are some key considerations:

  • Family History: Even if the close relatives had heart attacks or strokes at a relatively young age, the risk is higher to begin with.
  • Cholesterol & Blood Pressure: High quantities of these factors have a large part to play in the accumulation of plaque.
  • Diabetes: It attacks the blood vessels and also the heart which leads to heart complications.
  • Weight Management: Overweight on the body places much stress at the side of the heart and the blood vessels.
  • Smoking Habit: Another well-established independent risk factor is smoking, having an adverse effect on the heart disease.

Benefits of a Calcium Score Test (Calcium Total, Serum Test in Delhi):

  • Early Detection: It is easy to treat such a condition when one finds out there is a deposit forming on the inner walls of the arteries before there are visible signs that there is a problem.
  • Risk Stratification: It means that having the information about your calcium score your doctor will be able to address you with the treatment in accordance to your risk level.
  • Reduced Anxiety: A bad result is beneficial in a way since it offers you a guarantee that you are indeed healthy and that your heart is in good working order.

Before You Take the Test

  • Doctor Consultation: Transparency in the communication process with the doctor is important. Talk about your past and present medical health including your parents and grandparents and other members in your family, your diet and physical activity, and any worries that you have. Your personal risk indicators will be reviewed, after which the suitability of the Calcium Score Test will be decided.
  • Understanding Risks & Benefits: There is always some risk no matter the medical tests administered even if the risk is very small. Explain to your physician that this test will expose you to low levels of radiation and debate the advantages against the possible harms.
  • Test Limitations: So, it is important to know that a calcium score is not a ticket to a heart attack, in case you get a high score, it is not a free pass to heart health if you get a low score. Other variables affect heart health as well, although this test gives an accurate read on the patient’s state.

Calcium Score Test vs. Other Heart Tests

  • Electrocardiogram (ECG): Records distribution of electrical impulses in the heart to establish abnormality in the rhythm.
  • Stress Test: Records ECG and heart rate, when the person is exercising, to detect blockages.

Finding a Calcium Score Test in Delhi (Calcium Test in Delhi)

Being one of the best healthcare service providers in Delhi, Qris Health provides various diagnostic services that include the Calcium Score Test. Much attention is paid to patients’ comfort, and the latest equipment is our primary tool.


Do not wait until the onset of the next heart disease to pay attention and invest in its future, do it today.

Thus, the Calcium Score Test is a useful addition to your weapons against heart disease. Though maybe not required for everyone, it might be helpful for people in a higher risk category. Knowing your personal risk factors with your doctor can help in decision making concerning your cardiovascular health.

At Qris Health, you can get the simplest and the most effective Calcium Score Tests in Delhi or Calcium Serum Test in Delhi. This is why our focus lies on both, the proper treatment of our patients and the constant further development of our technology.

One should not sit back and hope to show signs of the virus without necessarily being exposed to it. Be one step closer to having a healthy heart. Consult with your doctor now and discuss whether getting a Calcium Score Test is advisable for you. Thus the age-long saying goes ‘a healthy heart they say is a happy heart’ – and to ensure this, Qris Health is readily available to assist at every stage.

Let’s do it together: protect our heart and become investors in a better future!

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