Your heart is the life-line of your body, it is a never tiring pump that works all day and night. But, is it quite the picture when the flow of blood in this essential organ slows down or gets blocked? Coronary artery diseases or commonly referred to as heart blockages remain a major health threat. Here is a complete guide to understanding the potential causes, main symptoms, and what you can do about blocked arteries in this blog for ensuring more attention to cardiac operations. Also, we will learn about how Qris Health Labs situated provide affordable and effective Heart Tests & Packages in Delhi so that one can always know the state of his/her Heart.
The Reasons Behind Heart Blockages
The cause of heart blockages is atherosclerosis, in which fatty material including cholesterol, fats, calcium and other substances forms plaque in the coronary arteries. These arteries bring well-oxygenated blood into your heart muscle. When plaque develops, it gradually thickens, and this leads to the narrowing of the arteries to provide a limited amount of blood supply. This can develop a variety of symptoms and some potentially fatal consequences.
Several factors can contribute to plaque buildup and increase your risk of heart blockages:
- High Cholesterol Levels: Abnormal cholesterol levels such as low density lipoprotein which is commonly referred to as “bad cholesterol and high density lipoprotein commonly referred to as “good cholesterol speeds up the deposition of plaques on the artery walls.
- High Blood Pressure: The normal high blood pressure exerts pressure on the arteries hence decomposing and narrowing them.
- Smoking: Tobacco use is a well-known antagonist of CAD. Again, through the chemicals contained in cigarettes, the internal lining of your arteries is harmed and this encourages the build-up of plaque.
- Diabetes: Diabetes cause high blood sugar levels which is the cause of blood vessel damage that lead to plaques.
- Family History: Some of the risk factors of Eu include; A family history of the disease also increases your chances of developing Eu.
- Unhealthy Lifestyle: Saturated and trans fats, inactivity and obesity however are some of the causes of heart diseases.
Don't Ignore the Warning Signs: Signs of Heart Blockages
In some cases, blockages of the heart’s blood vessels can occur without evident clear and specific signs. However, as the arteries narrow, you may experience:
- Chest pain or tightness (angina): This is regarded as the most frequent type of a symptom and it may be observed as a pressure, feeling of squeezing or burning in the chest area. This is common immediately after exercise or when under stress and may be relieved by a simple act such as lying down.
- Shortness of breath: Physical clues include wheezing or shortness of breath especially during exercise or when in the reclining position.
- Fatigue: It may cause you to be unusually tired or be unable to carry out your normal duties at home or at work.
- Discomfort in other areas: Angina pain may be felt in your shoulder, arm, jaw, neck, or back, wherever the blood supply is reduced.
- Lightheadedness or dizziness: This could be a sign that something is wrong and that your heart is not getting enough blood.
- Rapid or irregular heartbeat: It may just be normal if a patient has a PR interval longer than 200 milliseconds this can be a sign of a serious complication like arrhythmia.
Taking Action: Heart Blockages and Their Treatment
Therefore, early diagnosis and intervention are significant when it comes to blockage in the heart as well as if the complication is to be avoided. Depending on the severity of your condition, treatment options may include:
- Lifestyle Changes: If you have a heart disease it helps not to smoke, control your weight, eat a healthy diet and engage in regular exercises.
- Medications: This is because there are drugs that can lower the cholesterol levels, others that can control blood pressure while others that can prevent clot formation.
- Angioplasty and Stenting: This is a procedure in which a narrow balloon is passed through the blocked artery to create a passage. To keep the artery open small mesh tube call stent is usually inserted.
- Coronary artery bypass surgery (CABG): It is the process through which a doctor establishes a new route for blood flow around the blocked artery with a vein coming from another section of the body.
Prevention is Key: Need of Heart Tests in Delhi
It is encouraging to note that heart disease is to a large extent a preventable disease especially if people lead healthy lives and get regular medical checkups. Qris Health Labs go through different tests that are essential for the heart; thus, individuals in Delhi can understand the severity of any problems and seek early treatment. These tests include:
- Lipid Profile Test: This test determines your cholesterol numbers or total cholesterol, bad cholesterol, good cholesterol, and fats.
- Electrocardiogram (ECG): This test measures electrical signals of your hеаrt аnd can Idеntify irregularities іn hеаrt rоtаtion.
- Echocardiogram (Echo): This ultrasound employs sound waves to obtain images of your heart and help doctors make a diagnosis on its form and practices.
- Stress Test: This test measures the amount of stress your heart is taking and be used to diagnose other issues related to blood circulation to the heart area.
- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment: This assessment checks the summary of your past medical conditions, your family’s past medical conditions, and your lifestyle habits to identify your probability of getting heart diseases.
Control Your Heart with Qris Health Labs
One of the known critical ailments is heart disease, but if one focuses on prevention and take regular full body checkups in Delhi, then it is possible to decrease the possibility of it happening to an individual. Being at Qris Health Labs in Delhi, it is our endeavor to equip you with knowledge and products to improve your Heart Health.
Due to our strategic locations, user-friendly method of booking, and effective screening tests for the heart, it becomes very easy to keep a check on your heart health. It is recommended not to wait for any symptoms to develop before heading for a screening. Do not wait for the next disaster to happen, have a heart test today for a healthier you.