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insomnia symptoms

Insomnia: Causes, Risks & Treatments

Insomnia: Causes, Risks & and Treatments

Insomnia is a sleepless disorder that makes it really difficult for you to fall asleep. At the same time when you are suffering from insomnia you  might wake up too early and you would not be able to even sleep again. So it is important for you to understand insomnia meaning and then connect with your doctor to learn more about its diagnosis and the treatment.

Different types of insomnia

 There  are two types of Insomnia that include acute Insomnia and chronic insomnia.  acute insomnia  means that you have trouble sleeping only for a short time even if that means only for a night or so. Ideally everybody goes through acute insomnia once in a while and its common. At the same time chronic insomnia is pretty  severe and it includes difficulty sleeping three or more days every week over 3 months in the day.

Things to know about insomnia symptoms

It is not difficult to understand whether you have Insomnia or not.  In most cases you would be knowing that you are not sleeping well but in some cases there might be a possibility that you will not be aware that you are going through insomnia.  it is because you have so much going that you do not understand the time fatigue as a result of Insomnia but as a result of some other health conditions.  you can say that you have Insomnia if you take 30 minutes or more to fall asleep at night. 

Most people end up getting up in the middle of the night and it lasts only for a few seconds or minutes but if it is not for you and you cannot get back to sleep, it indicates that you are going through insomnia.

 Some of the common symptoms include

  •  Poor memory
  •  Fatigue
  •  Challenges with focus and concentration
  •  Daytime sleepiness
  •  Mood  disturbance

Causes of insomnia

 Insomnia generally doesn't have one cause it can be caused due to different factors.

  • Medical conditions like asthma, chronic pain or sleep apnea can also lead to sleep disorder.
  • Psychiatric conditions like depression anxiety or bipolar disorder can also increase your risk for insomnia.
  • Diet habits like consuming a heavy meal before you go to sleep or consuming too much of caffeine or alcohol can also cause insomnia.
  • You can go through sleep habits like having  An irregular sleeping schedule.

Sleepless Diagnosis

Your doctor will recommend you to go through a physical exam. If the cause of insomnia is unknown. Generally, the doctor might recommend you to go for a black test before they Recommend any treatment options. The blood test is very important for your thyroid issues. At the same time. The doctor might also ask you some sleeplessness issues.

Treatment options available

You can restore your sleep cycle by changing your sleeping habits, or addressing the issues that are linked with insomnia. At the same time, if you feel that all these strategies are not working, you can connect with your doctor and they can recommend some medicines that you need to regularly consume.

Over the counter sleep medicines

There are several non-prescription medicines available out there. That features antihistamines and you can try them out. At the same time feel tired. The major objective is to make you feel asleep. But if you think that these medicines are not working out for you, then you must connect with your doctor instantly.

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